The Virtual Terminal is easy to use, mobile friendly, accepts chip card payments and serves as a back-office management tool with features such as batch reports, transaction search and card-on-file payments.
It’s everything you need for processing card payments. Plus everything you want.
Easy to Use Web-based Solution
Works without software or traditional credit card terminals.
Our Virtual Terminal is ideal for offices, non-profits, churches, lawyers and medical practices, among other businesses that don’t need a standard credit card terminal.
It’s easy to use and works without software or traditional credit card terminals, so that you can accept and manage payments virtually anywhere.

Virtual Terminal
Set Up Repeat Payments
Storing sensitive card data is a risk you don’t want to take. We store it for you in our card vault (it’s as secure as it sounds) so that you can set up payment plans and take one-time card payments without needing to ask your customers for their card numbers every time. You and your customers will both appreciate the convenience this provides.

Manage Your Customers & Transactions
Powerful back-office management tools allow you to keep track of transactions, batches, transaction types, tips, customer information and more.

Qualify for Better
Processing Rates
We offer Level II processing for all Visa, MasterCard, and American Express qualifying transactions. This helps you qualify for lower Interchange rates and expands your customer base to include companies that use Level II cards such as corporate cards and purchasing cards.

Seriously Secure
Our Virtual Terminal reduces your Payment Card Industry (PCI) scope because it keeps sensitive card data out of your business environment.
For even more protection, we use PCI-Validated Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) technology on devices used for swiping and keying in transactions. It encodes the card data and makes it worthless in the event of a breach.

Industries We Serve
$38 Billion
Processed Annually
Businesses Served