Credit Card Surcharges: Are they Helpful
or Harmful for Merchant Growth?

Times are changing. Your customers need sustainable ways to offset inflation.

Join us for a live webinar where we’ll debate surcharging, cash discounts and their effectiveness in keeping rising labor, food, and fuel costs at bay.

Fighting Inflation & Generating

Sustainable ROI.

Over the years credit card processing costs have nearly doubled, becoming one of the largest essential expenses for businesses today. Add to this soaring rent and mortgage costs, skyrocketing inflation, and rising labor costs and it’s no wonder businesses are looking to save money and ultimately increase their profits. 

This perfect storm of economic factors has helped propel cash discount, surcharging and other enhanced pricing programs back into the spotlight. While these programs aren’t new, they are ones of the best ways for business owners to offset their credit card processing costs. 

Here’s What You Will Learn.

Understand the difference and how they fit in different business environments.

Surcharging vs Cash Discounts

Register Now

Credit Card Surcharges: Is it Helpful or Harmful for Merchant Growth?

Live Webinar: August 17th 2PM - 3PM ET

© 2022 Clearent, LLC is a registered agent for Central Bank of St. Louis, MO and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA.

Meet The Speakers.

How merchants and cardholders really feel and the effectiveness in fighting inflation

Adoption Trends & Perceptions

Learn how ISVs and ISOs, their customer, and cardholders win or lose with these programs.

Potential Benefits & ROI

We hear from our current hybrid partner ParsePay and how they save their merchants 75-95% annually.

Real-life Examples

CEO and Cofounder, ParsePay

Jared Story

Erik Anderson

Product Line Manager

Mark Passifione

VP of Partner Sales

Learn how surcharging and cash discount programs can help:

ISVs and ISOs increase ARR and LTV

Merchants fight inflation

Cardholders choose the best payment option

By expanding their offerings and shared revenue pools

By offsetting credit card costs in a sustainable way

By educating them on the various programs available

Free Webinar | Aug 17th, 2pm ET

Understand the difference and how they fit in different business environments.

Surcharging vs Cash Discounts

How merchants and cardholders really feel and the effectiveness in fighting inflation

Adoption Trends & Perceptions

We hear from our current hybrid partner ParsePay and how they save their merchants 75-95% annually.

Real-life Examples

Learn how ISVs and ISOs, their customer, and cardholders win or lose with these programs.

Potential Benefits & ROI